I mumbled 2 or 3 vowels kinda grossed out by the look of the 2 males at the bottom.
Dont get me wrong.
i m not upset with the pic ,the person posting it or the guys in it.
I was upset with me.
I m a straight guy and father of 2 males. The first is 3yo and the other is 8months old.
Never had a problem with homosexuals and as a kid never accepted the fears of contamination of gayness to other people.
i never saw them as a threat but as a smart community that had a lot to offer in design,art,humanism and all the other regular fields actually.
so why the fuck do i feel grossed. whats the fuck is seperating those pictures from sexy to sweet to gross.
Why do i see the difference even if rationally i find none.
how can i feel like that while defendind homosexuality is something coming natural to me since i remember
and not just for the lesbian porn i so hungrilly consume.
So in order for me to discart those lame residues, of a sexist homophobic mormonic and moronic society as the Greek orthodox, i have to become unsensatized.
The way to work with onions and not cry is to clean more of them.
Our eyes haven t seen a lot of onions yet,thats why we "cry"
The solllution is not to eliminate or hate them.
Onions have their fucking reason of existance and that is to live a full happy life without beeing judged by and be stared by my morons like me.
So gay community please dont wait for parades to be kissed in public.